Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of "School"

As I sit here typing, I'm doing a pretty good job holding it together, however, I doubt the same is true for my mom!! Dillon went to "school" today for the first time! Dion dropped him off and said he did great. He got down and crawled right over to the other kids to play. It's gonna be a big day - I'm very anxiously waiting for 12 o'clock to get here! (That's when I'm picking him up today!) Today, not only will he be away from Mommy, Daddy and Grandmommy for the longest amount of time ever, but he will be going without a morning nap (first time ever!) and he will eat snack and lunch in a chair at the table (first time ever sitting in a chair!) And play on a playground, crawl in the grass, etc - - but he did experiment with all that when I took him for a short while earlier this summer. So ... here's to a good morning for us all!! (Dillon is probably taking this adjustment the best!) Here are some "first day of school" pictures! :) Oh yeah - also the longest period of time he'll be wearing shoes!! Goodness ... many firsts today!!!