Sunday, July 25, 2010

Best Weekend Mornings!

Yesterday we got up and headed to LKN Airpark. Dion and I both took a turn in a Decathlon! Dillon cried when I took off and then again when Dion did ... not the best morning ever for him ... he soooo wanted to go flying too!! Then this morning I woke up at 8:01am to SILENCE!! Aaaahh, was so nice I had to wake Dion up to appreciate it with me! ha ha ha I laid in the bed just enjoying sleeping in until Carly woke up at 8:25! Dillon didn't wake up until 9 or so ... tired boy! (Now don't get me wrong, I was up at 2:40 with Carly, so it's not like she slept all night until 8:25 quite yet!)
2 perfect mornings! I'm sure tomorrow morning will be perfect too when I get up for the gym at 5:25am and take a class that is sure to make washing my hair afterwards feel like my arms are about to fall off ... 2 outta 3 ain't bad!

More about the Decathlon ride - - I went up first and we did rolls, spins, loops and a hammerhead. It was awesome! And surprisingly I didn't feel sick at all. It was so much smoother than any roller coaster ever - and so much cooler! Dion rode in the front seat and actually took off and did a couple maneuvers himself. He had a blast too! While we were taking our turns flying, Dillon was enjoying an egg sandwich and banana - so really, it was fun for everyone! (And Carly was snoozing!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Carly - Two Month Update

Carly had her 2 month check-up last week at 10 weeks. She is doing well! Here are her stats:
weight: 9lbs 9 oz (8th percentile)
length: 22.5 inches (35th percentile)

Carly is still fussier than Dillon, but getting better. She is smiling now!!! Those smiles will just melt your heart! We saw the first real ones the weekend of the 4th - so sweet!! Carly is also sleeping really good!! Dillon slept through the night at 9 weeks and never turned back; Carly slept through the night at 10 weeks and 1 day but hasn't again! She is getting REALLY close though! Last night she ate at 8pm, went to bed about 10pm and slept until 4:40am!! That's almost 8 hours without eating! The doctor said she might be 6 months before she sleeps through the night because she is so small ... we will show her!!! :)
Dillon still loves Carly to pieces! He just loves giving her kisses and hugs! She loves Dillon too! Except when she just finishes eating and he starts pulling her legs and feet!!
Carly is not really on a schedule per say yet, although she pretty consistently eats 4 oz every 3 hours during the day; 6 bottles a day. (This will only be meaningful for those of you with a newborn ... I couldn't remember to save my life what she was supposed to be eating at this time! Memory of the first months is a little fuzzy!)
Here are a couple of pics from tonight! I just love my Carly!!

And here's Dillon being a little stinker! Look at that expression! CRACKS ME UP!

Monday, July 19, 2010


12 years ago next month, the four of us roomed together - and 12 years later, we have the same relationship! Girlfriends are so unique, and college roommates so special! Last night we got together for Robrina's "last night out" with us before she gets married off next month! The last time we were all together was Beth's wedding 5 years ago, and before that was probably my wedding 7 years ago, and before that, Julie's wedding 8 years ago! At least the weddings bring us all together! But last night was the best - because there was not a lot of wedding fuss going on - just a lot of catching up! Some friendships never change and I am so thankful that my friendship with these ladies has not!


What a fun Sunday!! Dion flew Dillon and I to Carthage Pik-n-Pig! We all had a great time! Dillon couldn't wait to get in "Poppy's airplane!" "Daddy's airplane!" "Dillon's airplane!" We flew to Pik-n-Pig with Dion's friend Brad in our plane and Dion's friends Mikey and Ashley in the plane beside us. Mikey's plane is a trick plane, and we had an in-flight air show on the way! Dillon was loving it! When Mikey would flip over and go under the plane, Dillon would try his darndest to find him out the window! Dillon also kept saying "Airplane up in the sky! Dillon up in the sky!" So sweet!
Here's Dillon and I before take-off! Dillon was cracking me up with the headphones! He would take one side off his ear, then put it back! I guess he liked hearing the difference!
Mikey and Ashley would wave at Dillon before disappearing!
Here's Dillon trying to find them!! ha ha
And here's Dion and Brad approaching the runway!
Playing around at Pik-n-Pig!
Love this outfit on Dill ... Jr Aviator ...
Walking back to the airplane! Somebody was ready to get back up in the sky!
Here's Dill ready for the ride home!!!
And here's Dill 1 minute later!!
Didn't even wake up when we landed!
Click here for all the pictures!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bunk Beds!

Who knew?