Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dillon - 15 months!

Dillon had his 15 month WELL CHECK-UP today! I capitalized the "WELL CHECK-UP" part because he has been several times in the past months with ear issues. His check-up went great today! He is progressing as he should, he is the size he should be, he finally got his H1N1 shot, his ears look much better - we are just so blessed. Even with the ear problems, we are so blessed. This child has such a tolerance for pain that even when he has ear infections, he shows hardly any signs. He is a great eater, a great sleeper, he laughs all the time and plays by himself and with us. Honestly, I cannot imagine a better child! OK, probably enough bragging for now! :) Here are his stats:
Height: 32 1/2 inches (between 75 - 90 percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs 11 oz (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 50th percentile

All grown up:


We had a great Christmas! Hope everyone else did too! The best thing I got for Christmas was a video camera! We had been borrowing Mom and Dad's for the past year plus. Dion also got me a card reader, so maybe I'll even figure out YouTube in the near future! We'll see! At any rate - bottom line is we were so excited about the video camera we mostly video'd Christmas instead of taking pictures! I was so bummed when I realized it, but we did still get a few - so here you go!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's a ... GIRL!!!!

Dillon is going to be a big brother! And Patrick is now going to have 3 sisters! :) Dion and I are having a baby and we found out yesterday that she's a girl! This pregnancy for me has been exactly like the one with Dillon - no problems, no getting sick, everything great. Hopefully that means this little one is going to be just like Dillon and love her sleep, be sweet to her mama, laugh all the time, etc etc etc!
Seeing the ultrasound yesterday was just as exciting as the first time we saw Dillon. It's just so wild what all you can see! This little girl is one active thing! I can only feel her once in a while right now, but expect in a week or two I'll be feeling those feet kicking non-stop!
Profile picture! I think she's got my nose ... ha ha!Here are her little feet! She was kicking the whole time but the technician was finally able to capture a still shot!
And this I could not believe - while we were "watching" her, she stuck her thumb in her mouth and sucked on it!! Now that's definitely our baby! :)

Kitchen Finished! (Finally Posted!)

The countertops look great and Dion did a fabulous job painting, grouting, hanging the new light, etc! Check it out!

Dillon is saying "WHOO-HOO!!" :)