Sunday, August 15, 2010


So lately I have been really trying to get my pre-Dillon figure back. By really trying I mean I pack my gym bag every night without fail, but that's beside the point! So this week I actually hit a first and second goal of mine at the gym - I ran a mile and then after a day of sleeping in because my legs wouldn't move, I ran a mile and a half. That morning I was standing in my break room at work toasting my bagel and caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the Coke machine -and man, did I look good! I mean, who knew running 2 1/2 miles in one week could spruce up your appearance so much! OK - turns out it didn't change my appearance that much, BUT those Coke machines sure are tricky! So 2 questions - 1) have you ever noticed your reflection in a Coke machine (if not, please take a moment to do so this week - - - you are a tall, lean machine!) and 2) do you think it's intentional? I mean, it has to be, right? Nice subliminal advertising ... you don't need DIET Coke ... look at that rear! Go for the full fledge ... you know it tastes better! ha ha ha
Go seek out a Coke machine. It will be worth it!