Wednesday, March 31, 2010

18 Month Already

Oh my goodness!! Dillon is 18 months old now! Time is flying - and he is way too grown up for my liking!! Here are his stats from his check-up:
Weight - 26 lbs 1 oz (49th percentile)
Height - 33.5 inches (79th percentile)
Head - 46 cm (80th percentile)

Dillon also has 4 or 5 new teeth coming in! Some molars! He is quite the drooling machine at times!

AND - Dillon got his first haircut this past weekend. I thought I was excited about this, but turns out I was quite sad to see our little boy sitting there like such a big boy. He did not cry AT ALL. He just sat there so good. And it didn't help that Dion and I do not like the haircut! They shaved his neck in the back, and we are not happy - but I know it will grow back out in one week, so no big deal. The rest of it looks good.

Baby Dillon is GROWING UP!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dillon's Main Squeeze

Dillon has a crush! This little cutie goes to his daycare and every morning (until this morning!) they ate breakfast together - pancakes and banana!! (This morning Dillon started going in the next classroom first thing ... so sad!) Anyway - her name is Ella and Dillon says it day and night ... "Lella! Lella!" So sweet! They make a cute couple, huh??