Monday, July 19, 2010


What a fun Sunday!! Dion flew Dillon and I to Carthage Pik-n-Pig! We all had a great time! Dillon couldn't wait to get in "Poppy's airplane!" "Daddy's airplane!" "Dillon's airplane!" We flew to Pik-n-Pig with Dion's friend Brad in our plane and Dion's friends Mikey and Ashley in the plane beside us. Mikey's plane is a trick plane, and we had an in-flight air show on the way! Dillon was loving it! When Mikey would flip over and go under the plane, Dillon would try his darndest to find him out the window! Dillon also kept saying "Airplane up in the sky! Dillon up in the sky!" So sweet!
Here's Dillon and I before take-off! Dillon was cracking me up with the headphones! He would take one side off his ear, then put it back! I guess he liked hearing the difference!
Mikey and Ashley would wave at Dillon before disappearing!
Here's Dillon trying to find them!! ha ha
And here's Dion and Brad approaching the runway!
Playing around at Pik-n-Pig!
Love this outfit on Dill ... Jr Aviator ...
Walking back to the airplane! Somebody was ready to get back up in the sky!
Here's Dill ready for the ride home!!!
And here's Dill 1 minute later!!
Didn't even wake up when we landed!
Click here for all the pictures!

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