Dillon had an appt with the ENT at the end of the year and had tubes put in his ears this past Wednesday. He did great - we were so relieved! The procedure just took a few minutes (I think he was away from Dion and I 12 minutes) and an hour later, he was fine. We had some drops to put in his ears through today, and putting those in was by far the worst part, but hopefully his little ears will not get infected as much now!
Dion and I both had birthdays this month. Dillon can now say "balloon" and loves carrying them around! He is quite the character lately. Last weekend we visited Ashley and Jimmy. Dillon was looking for Berkley (the dog) and when he came running in the room he said "there he is"! It was more like "thereheis" (one word), but still - that's 3 in a row! And he was not officially 16 months at that point! Other words Dillon says regularly now include "bubbles" "bath" "book" "knock knock" "duck" "cheese" and "puppy". And he will now repeat about anything you say, unless you say Dillon. He will quickly correct you and say "baby" ... ha ha ha! This may be a problem come May! :) I am sure Dillon is saying a lot more words on his own, but those are the ones coming to mind right now.
Dillon is also a climbing machine these days! He is up those steps in no time flat, which keeps me on my toes! He has also discovered he can climb on the sub-woofer set up in the living room, on his car, in his chair, and from there climb onto the couch or onto another chair. He's a nut, but he's having fun and hasn't gotten hurt, so it's all good.
Today Dillon and I went to the mall while Daddy flew some. We picked up some sunglasses and as you can see - they are a hit! Also got Dillon was summer outfits; he is going to be quite the cutie in his shorts and matching polos! Look at my big boy!