Sunday, July 5, 2009

9 Months

Dillon went for his 9 month appt last week. Here are his stats:

weight: 19 lbs 11 oz (70th percentile)
height: 29 1/2 inches (85th percentile)
head: 45.5 centimeters (50th percentile)

The Dr said he was doing great! He's still sleeping through the night, takes 2 naps during the day, 5 bottles (6 oz each), has 6 teeth now! He also can start eating table food now. Yesterday we gave him some green beans, and Friday night when we were out he ate some edamame! He is not into his baby food at all anymore - but he will try about anything you give him if you are eating it. He ate some ham and bagel yesterday morning. And he's been eating some banana for a while now - couple bites here and there. Our little boy is growing up!!

And oh yeah - he's crawling UP A STORM! Started on his 9th month birthday and hasn't stopped since! Good times!


Sara Jane said...

Can't Wait To GEt Up There And See Him(:


Liz Morrow said...

Way to go Dillon! Crawling and table food is exciting stuff. Lyla loves to eat. Her favorites are cubes of cheddar cheese and mandarin oranges. Oh, and anything that says Gerber Graduate on the container.