Saturday, February 28, 2009

Super Month

OK - I have big goals for March ... and I am going to list them out here so they are public and I feel accountable. May be TMI for some of you, and I'm okay with that! Hope you are! Here goes:

1) Drink only one caffeinated drink per day
2) Only buy my lunch 4 times total for the month
3) Go to the gym 6 out of 7 days per week
4) Wash my face every night before going to bed
5) No dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed
6) Do not cheat on Weight Watchers
7) Ultimate Goal - lose 10 lbs in March

I know this looks like a lot - especially since I am no where near these goals right now - I only have been drinking caffeinated drinks lately; I have been slack about packing my lunch (buying like 3 days a week); I have been going to the gym consistently 3 days a week, but no more than that; I don't wash my face; I do dishes about 50% of the time - Mom gets them the other 50%; I have been cheating like crazy on WW, hence the last goal - lose some of this weight that's still hanging around! My baby is 5 months old for goodness sake! So, let me finish my thought ... I know this seems like a lot, but I am only committing to it for one month. I can do it! THINK POSITIVELY!

OK - having said all that, I now have to make a grocery list and get cooking on my cheese fondue for the Wine and Cheese party tonight! (Timing is everything ... glad today's still Feb!) I'll post my status - I know you all cannot wait to hear the updates! LOL


Ashley B said...

I am not sure what my problem is--my baby is 3 years old--oh almost 4

Liz Morrow said...

You are a super mom/woman! Do you have some sort of pills you are taking to get you through all of this? If so, please share.

Laurie said...

go girl! you did it before so i know you can do it again. i need your determination to rub off on me!