Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Boy, we have been BUSY the past several weeks! We are actually putting our house on the market! The paperwork may even get submitted tonight! Yikes! This is very exciting, but makes me very nervous! People will be walking through our house! We have to keep the house straight at basically all times! We are going to sell the house we have put a lot of time, effort and love into! But on the other hand, we are quickly outgrowing our house. In December, our plan was to add a room and bathroom to the second floor, and when that didn't work out, we knew we had to do something. Anyway - wish us luck! We'll post the MLS when it's created!!
We also have been preparing for new baby Vaughn who will be making her entrance in less than 2 months now! CRAZY! And no, we still don't have a name! I know most of you reading this probably think we are just holding out, wanting to make it a surprise. I really wish that was the case! We need to focus on that ... soon! Because we are hoping to move relatively soon, once the house sells, we didn't repaint the baby's room, but we did set it up. Dillon cracks me up! He loves to go "night-night" in her bed, which was his original crib. He also loves swinging in the swing - it's also currently set in her room. AND - now he is into sitting in the infant car seat! It's so funny because he gets stuck in there quite frequently! ha ha ... He's getting too big!!
Dillon is also really into Elmo these days! I don't know how he came to know Elmo so well, but he sure does! When Dion is getting him ready in the morning he does NOT want Dion to put the diaper on him with Big Bird on the front. Oh no! Only Elmo!! Here is a picture of Dillon watching Elmo on YouTube! Patrick and Sara - thanks for introducing us to YouTube! Your dad found a few videos for Dillon on there and he is a fan of the YouTube now too (Dillon that is, your dad always has been!)

1 comment:

Laurie said...

he is sure getting big!

wow, moving! i would be feeling a little stressed right now. :)

i want to see you before you have that little girl! i know you're busy, but email me if you want to go out to dinner one more time before you are mother of two! :)

did you get the ski clothes on your porch?