Last week at the Teeter we had Super Doubles or something like that where the Teeter will double your coupons up to $1.98. This is a super big deal as those of you on facebook know. I have a number of friends who are very good at the whole coupon thing ... very good at it! I also have a number of friends who post their savings on facebook and/or blog about their shopping experiences.
So ... why am I writing this blog today? Because Monday I needed to go grocery shopping. This is how I do it ... I make my grocery list with the things I need, then I look through the coupons Mom cut out for me (yes, I am 32 years old and my mom still cuts coupons out for me! Thanks Mom!), then I modify my list as needed and hit the store. I got to the Teeter Monday and started in the produce aisle. This is where I first noticed "Carter the Coupon Queen". (The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and honestly I have no idea what her name is.) She had a 3-ring binder with divided laminated pages holding coupons. Please re-read that sentence for effect. It was massive! And why did I notice? Because she was sorting through all of those pages in front of the tomatoes - and I needed tomatoes!!! She moved to the potato section where she was in someone else's way, and finally made her way to the slaw section. Weird I thought, but to each her own.
I ran into this "Carter" again when I remembered I needed green beans and headed back to the canned vegetable aisle. Again, she was just standing in the middle of the aisle looking through her binder. Crazy ... And this happened AGAIN in the pasta aisle. Chick, get out of my way!
Our last encounter was when I was rolling my cart to checkout and she pulled out of the cereal aisle. My cart was completely full and she literally had a couple dressings, and a couple of other items like mustard and maybe some grits or something. We had been at the store AN HOUR! And she had less than 10 items in her cart. Now I am sure when she left there she was leaving with those items for free, or for 54 cents or something, but still, I ask you - is it worth all that? Is that what it takes? Hours and hours to save money on items that you might not have bought in the first place? To each his own ...
Now to my favorite part - - - my personal update! I ended up spending $130 and saving $42 with VIC savings and about $12 dollars in coupons. And my dear friends who are professional shoppers have taught me you always need to take a picture to prove what you are saying is true. In all cases I have seen to date, the items are all stacked neatly on the counter. I don't have time for that - I need to check my facebook - so, I just took 2 pictures of the groceries in the Jeep. As you can see, I also don't have time to clean out my Jeep from the beach trip I took about 3 weeks ago. And yes, if you could see under the potatoes, you'd notice I do indeed have the reusable bags ... I just have a hard time remembering to take them in the store!
Happy Couponing to all!!! :)
Oh man, I was hoping for a good ending to your story . . . like maybe Carter was going to give you coupons! For the record, I do not have a 3 ring binder (and still save lots of $) and do not think it's worth making the trip for 3 free items! :)
Oh Steph, I love you dearly! You make me laugh SO HARD!
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