Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This morning I felt like I conquered the world!!! And let me tell you it was a GREAT feeling that lasted approximately 2 1/2 minutes ... let me explain! To back up, Dillon has been very sick. He had a 103 fever Friday while at the beach, so we came home that night and took him to our Doctor's office Saturday morning. Saturday he had a 102.5 fever and Sunday a 102.6 fever. He has a slight ear infection in each ear, but we think there's something else going on as well since he has had quite a few ear infections and never had a constant high fever like that. Saturday Dillon was given a shot of Rocephin, and then we had to take him back Sunday and yesterday for additional ones - poor thing! He did great, as always. He is such an angel; seriously, a perfect child (except when he throws food on the floor and says "oh no, not nice" ... but I digress!)
OK - so back to me! Ha ha ... This morning Dillon had a follow up appointment with the ENT Doctor who put his tubes in in January. 9:20am. Me home alone with the youngins. Me in need of a shower. 7:45am Carly and I wake up. Oh no! The countdown is on! To sum it up, I got Carly fed, Dillon up and watching Sprout TV in my bed, and my rear end in the shower, then got Carly and Dillon dressed and out the door by 9am and in the Doctor office building by 9:18am! WHOO-HOO!! Seriously, that was the biggest accomplishment I have completed since I don't know when. Felt fabulous!
So, why'd it only last 2 minutes? Because when I got there, the receptionist said that whoever scheduled Dillon's appointment scheduled it for NEXT Tuesday ... ugh!!!!! Rescheduled for tomorrow at 2:30. Game on again tomorrow I guess! :)
And to give an update on Dillon - he is acting perfectly fine. In fact, he was almost acting perfectly normal this whole time. He is so resilient. No fever Monday or today. Tomorrow we go see the ENT and then Thursday we are going to see his regular Doctor for a follow up. Hopefully all will be well, and Carly will not get any of this mess!! Will update later in the week when we know more.

1 comment:

Liz Morrow said...

That gave me a great laugh! You are great Stephanie. My inspiration!