Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dillon's Entertainment

Dillon has found entertainment ... in looking at himself! Yesterday we put him in this play mat thing and set the mirror up to the side so he could see himself and he has been totally content looking at himself ever since! (No, we did not leave him in there since yesterday, but we have put him in there a couple times since! And we take him out before he fusses ... he maybe would stay in there all night!)

Other updates - things are going great! Dillon is right on with days and nights. He is so smart for such a little guy! Right now it's 10:30am and he's been awake since about 9:30. He has been staying awake from his "breakfast" (between 8am & 10am) until afternoon, and then staying awake again from the time Dion gets home until about 8pm or 10pm. And at night, for the past week or so I'd say, he has been falling right back to sleep after we feed him. Things are going much better than week 2!! Everyone who said things would get better - they have. Thanks for the encouragement.


Anonymous said...

hahahah that lil crib is soo cool...haha it makes me laugh. Aunt Ash

Ashley B said...

Man there is always something new-- I like that little thing-- I don't think the had those when my kids were little

Sara Jane said...

Look at him!