Thursday, January 29, 2009

We Fit ?

We got a Wii Fit this past Friday and yesterday we tried it out for the first time. My Wii Fit age was 38 yesterday, 40 today. What in the world? It is a lot of fun though! Tonight I did everything that was unlocked once. For those who have one ... I am pretty good at the yoga stuff actually, bad at the balance, terrible at the pushups and side planks ... terrible! But I am okay at the other strength stuff. I think my favorite so far is step. Who else has this? What do you think?

Speaking of step, the step class at the gym this week kicked my butt! I had to stand in the front because the class was kind of full, so the pressure was on and I couldn't slack off like I might do in the back ... I have been sore for days! But it's a great sore ... a reminder that I can be strong if I try, and every little bit helps!

That's all I can write for tonight. I need to check my facebook and then head to bed so I can be alert and ready to go for Pilates in the morning! The class starts at 5:45am, so I need all the sleep I can get!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winterfest, Blowing Rock, NC

Dion, Ashley, Jimmy & I went to Winterfest this weekend in Blowing Rock. I was disappointed that we didn't see more snow than we did, but we still had a blast! The best chili was #35 - it had pineapple in it. And the best wine? I couldn't tell ya ... it all tasted about the same after a bit!

Good times with great friends!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

4 Months Old!

Dillon is 4 months old today! Here are his stats:
weight: 14lbs 5oz (50th percentile)
length: 25 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Dillon is doing great! He coos and gurgles; reaches for toys; smiles and laughs; loves being paid attention to! Doing all those things a 4 month old does! Next up: cereal! I have been kind of dreading this - just because it's going to be "harder" than the bottle, but now I am excited. My Dad is the most excited of all though I'd have to say! Dion and I are going to get the stuff this weekend (rice cereal, barley, oatmeal, some veggies and some fruit) and then probably start him the weekend after next. This weekend we are going to Blowing Rock for the Winterfest (holla Ash! lol) and next weekend we are going to Burlington, so I think the next will be a good weekend to start. Then Mom can take over during the week!

Supper's almost ready - gotta run! Hopefully we'll see some snow this weekend in Blowing Rock!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ode to Christmas Tree '08

Dion had a little fun tonight burning the Christmas tree! Click here to see more pictures. Dion was in his glory!

Our Little Mover & Shaker

Dillon has been doing 180s in his crib these days! Here he is mid-turn. Pretty soon he's going to be too long to do this comfortably!
And here's Dillon in his bouncy seat for the first time today. He wasn't quite sure what to do. He spun around a couple of times, then tried to lay his head on the tray. I guess that meant he was done! Dion took him out and he was asleep in no time.

Friday, January 16, 2009


It has been sooooooo cold here lately! Since Dillon has been born, he has gotten out a lot. We did a lot of running around when I was not working, and since I started back to work, he and Grandmommy had been going for walks quite often. Well, this week was a different story ... it's been so durn cold! I don't think Dillon got out at all actually, so tonight we decided to head out to good ole Monterrey! We haven't had Mexican in a long time and it just seemed right. Here's Dillon all bundled up and ready to go. He was smiling when I put him in the carseat tonight. He's just like his Daddy - he likes the warmth! Is he not just precious!?

Friends in the Backyard

This morning Dion called Mom and I outside to check out the deer. Pretty cool! He sees them often, but I rarely do. This morning was a rare treat! It's the first time I think Mom has seen deer at our house.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good Times with Balloons

Dion had a good birthday! We went out to eat and he had lobster and steak! AND a chopped salad! Anyone who knows D knows that a lot of food for him! I believe he also had a bite of the dessert Mom and I got (in honor of Dion's birthday of course!) But I believe Dillon has had the best time of all. He really has enjoyed playing with his Daddy's balloons! Here are a couple pictures for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Happy Birthday Baby! I hope you have the best day today (Wednesday - I'm a few minutes early)! Dillon and I love you to pieces and are so thankful for you!

Happy Birthday to You!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Last Day for 0-3 Month Clothes

Oh, it's so sad! I think my baby has officially outgrown all his clothes that start with 0! Putting away the "newborn" clothes was tough, but I knew he was still wearing "0-3" so that eased my mind. But not now! AND - I am going to have to take back a pack of size 1 pampers and exchange them for size 2 ...

Unfortunately Dillon is growing out of his clothes faster than I am shrinking back into mine ... more on that later! (I have to go grab a snack! lol)

Next week is Dillon's 4th month visit. I'll post his updated his stats then. I haven't been back to WW since Christmas ... not sure I will ever post my updated stats anyway! (It's really not that bad, I just need to do it!)

If Every Day Could Be Like Today ...

Today was such a great day! I am feeling so energized that even though it's after midnight and I should be exhausted, I want to blog!

This morning Mom and I got up at 5:25 and went to the 5:45 pilates class at the gym. It was really nice and ended with an aromatherapy eye wrap ... aaahhhh ... who knew? Then after we got home, Dion and I actually spoke more than "Have a good day; I love you; call me later." That's our normal morning conversation! It was nice to be alert before 8! Mom and I had an egg sandwich and then she headed back to Winston for the weekend. I was home today and got to spend a lot of time with my sweet baby. He was so delightful today! (and every day, but especially today) He was giggling at me throughout the day. I hardly had the TV on, but rather we listened to music on my iTunes, so we danced around the house a lot and had the best time! (Pink's new CD cracks Dillon up ...)

For lunch, Dillon and I met Dion at Brooklyn Brothers ... very yummy! When Dion got home around 6, I started on a fun project of monogramming some burp cloths for a friend. This was really cool - it was only 4 items, which is like a breeze! Plus it was for the friend who owns the machine, so I was feeling great about helping her out. I got those done without any issues (thank goodness!). The next thing I know it's time for Dillon's last bottle, change and then rocking him to sleep ... which was just so sweet tonight! He fell asleep in record time (like less than 2 minutes) while I was rocking him and I was whispering to him "I love you baby" and every time I did, he would giggle in his sleep. It was the sweetest thing! He is absolutely adorable!

THEN - after I laid him down I headed out to paint some pottery. I was planning to meet a friend there, but when I arrived around 10pm, a few friends were there. What a treat! So, I had a good couple of hours catching up with some friends and getting some painting done. Now it's midnight, I just got home, both of my boys are sound asleep and I have my warm pjs on. I tell you what - I don't think it gets much better than this!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Trying to Sit Up

Dillon has conquered spitting up, so now he is moving on to sitting up! Just kidding about the spitting up ... he's no worse than the average baby! But anyway - my little baby is getting so big! He weighs more than 13 lbs now! More than double his birth weight! And today I tried to get him to sit up on the floor on his own. He did okay for a few minutes, then got fussy. I think it's probably a little tiring, especially since he is getting over his first cold.

Besides trying to sit up, Dillon has really become active with some toys! He loves laying on the floor jungle gym/mat thing. He will play down there banging around the toys for a good long while. He likes watching the lights and kicking too!

And this picture was taken the other day. I had gone to the grocery store I think and when I got home I heard the shower on, but couldn't find Dillon in his crib and his chair was still in the living room. Well, his daddy had made him quite a comfy bed in the bathroom so he could keep an eye on him while getting ready! Too cute!

A side note is I went back to work last week. This was my first full week. It's not too bad. There is a lot of unknown with my job right now (b/c of the Wachovia Wells merger), so it's not the norm. But, not too bad either. Mom is having fun I think watching Dillon - and Dion and I are loving having her here. Her birthday was Monday, so here's a belated birthday wish - and a picture of the cupcakes I baked (they are Weight Watchers!) By the time Mom got one though, the powered sugar had been absorbed ... this pic looks great though!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Need a Photog?

Dion and I got Sara a camera for Christmas ... it was the best present we got her! Check out her work! All of these pictures except the "cousins" one were taken with her camera, and with the exception of the ones she's in, Sara took them all! Great job Sara! Dillon's room is looking so great! You should charge for great shots like these! :)