Dillon celebrated his 1/2 birthday this weekend! He is 6 months old! Honestly, these 6 months have flown by! It's hard to believe he was just a starting to be talked about a year ago! He had his 6 month check-up Monday and all is well! Here are his stats:
Height = 28 inches (95th percentile)
Weight = 17 lbs and 4 oz (40th percentile)
Head = 44 cm (50th percentile)
Everything is going very well! Dillon is starting to get one front bottom tooth! His first! Bring on the drool! He is also still sleeping on average 12 hours a night! Oh yes, I am very jealous! I could so go for 12 hours a night! Dillon is starting to "talk" a lot ... and growl! So funny and so cute! He also loves loves loves his jumpy seat! His new thing is bouncing off the door frame ... bumper chairs! He can also sit up by himself for quite a long while now - several minutes! Check out pictures of Dillon at 6 months! He is a cutie cutie!
6 Month Pictures!
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