Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 1 Status

Doing pretty good ... not perfect, but that's okay. I also need to learn not to give up completely if I slip up a little. Here goes:

1) Drink only one caffeinated drink per day - check! I think I will keep this up until I lose all the weight I need to ... it's not too bad and really makes me drink the H2O!
2) Only buy my lunch 4 times total for the month - check! I bought my lunch once this week, unexpectedly. I packed my lunch every day, which was big! The day I bought is because my old boss asked me to go to lunch, and since I'm meeting 1/1 with my new boss this coming week, I was not about to pass that opportunity up! One sandwich in the trash, but hopefully the result will be lots of more paychecks from Wells Fargo ... lol!
3) Go to the gym 6 out of 7 days per week - OK, no check ... technically I could still fix that RIGHT NOW! But I am going to say I missed it and be okay with it. I did however go to the gym 5 days! Monday - Friday, every day! It was a lot of fun and I could not have done it without Mom! She also went 5 days this week with me. We had a lot of fun, tried out a new class (see "Zumba") and trekked several miles on the treadmills. Good times!
4) Wash my face every night before going to bed - all but last night (you will see this is a trend!) 6 out of 7 ain't bad though!
5) No dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed - OK, technically CHECK! Because the dirty dishes were on the counter, not the sink! LOL ... but seriously, there were dirty dishes because the dish washer needed to be emptied, and I was sooo tired, so I consciencely decided to miss this one last night as well. But I did this successfully 6 out of 7 days this week!
6) Do not cheat on Weight Watchers - I have been tracking every bite! Yes Mom, even those peanuts I have been eating when I get home from work! It's not bad ... let's go! However - last night Dion and I went out for Mexican (again, see "Zumba"!) and I did overeat. I have to say, I felt miserable last night after eating so much. Hopefully I can just think back on that the rest of the month when I am tempted to over indulge. Today Dion and I are going to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I am so excited! But determined not to overdo it ... just do it enough!
7) Ultimate Goal - lose 10 lbs in March - As of this morning, I have lost 2.8lbs, well on my way! I am really excited. I have been at a complete standstill since November. This is really encouraging to me.

Let's do it all again this week!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Way to go Stephanie! I'm super impressed!!