Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Beautiful Day

First, let me say, I can take it as well as I can dish it, so I don't really feel bad about what I am about to write! :o)

Today was the first beautiful day in Charlotte - it is absolutely gorgeous outside! Dion and I traveled to South Park, shopped at Crate & Barrel, eat at The Cheesecake Factory, played in the Apple store, then dropped both of our wedding rings off to be polished and mine resized. (Yep, hopefully after today I will no longer be wearing my wedding ring on my middle finger!) So what in the world could I possibly want to rant about? Glad you asked ...

Here are bad things you always notice on the first nice day -
1) Gross Feet - I mean, if you are going to bust out the sandals, at least take the time to scrape some of the dead winter skin off your tootsies! And would a little polish kill ya?
2) Pale Legs - I wore jeans today even though I was hot. Why? Because I know my legs are as winter white as they can be and I didn't feel the need to expose them to everyone today. The sun is bright enough; I don't need to be blinded by the white!
3) Too Tight Capri Pants - Here's the thing ladies ... don't be caught off guard by the warm weather and be forced to wear last year's summer pants that are way too snug right now! No one needs to know that at some point you were able to wear those but since you have packed on the lbs. If that's the case, it's fine. Just keep it to yourself.

Wow - I feel so much better now that I have gotten that off my chest. Now, dear friends, please tell me if I fall into one of those 3 categories!!


Liz Morrow said...

I think I currently fall into all of those categories. I better get it together before I come to see you again.

Stephanie said...

ha ha ha Liz!

Ashley B said...

Those crusty feet are the WORST